Medicinal mushroom Shiitake


IoBoscoVivo cultivates medicinal mushroom Shiitake.

Shiitake is an immensely popular mushroom. It boasts numerous and varied health benefits and is a culinary delight for foodies. While the Shiitake is native to eastern Asia, it’s widely available because of easy cultivation. You can grow them at home with a log, the sun, and some starter fungus called spawn. In the wild, they grow on fallen, dead deciduous trees like beech and maple. Shiitakes look like the quintessential mushroom with a stem and umbrella-like brown cap.

Furthermore, for at least 800 years, the mushrooms Shiitake are popular in China. And has made their way into countless Asian dishes. So, It can be sauteed, steamed, made into stock, stuffed and baked. And as a result, prepared in numerous other ways. In addition shiitakes stimulate the immune system. Improves the body’s ability to fight viral and bacterial infection, including the microbes that lead to dental cavities.

IoBoscoVivo cultivates medicinal mushroom Shiitake