
In the business directory can participate companies or physical persons engaged with activities connected to gardening. In order to participate you have two possibilities: either to fulfil the listing form or to send to our e-mail the necessary information with attached pictures if the company does not have a web site and full information of the offered by you product with photo if not available in the company web site.

The listing of a COMPANY is payable:

For common company listing: 100 EURO for one year,

For VIP company listing : 300 EURO for one year,

Participation in the PRODUCT catalogue: Standard product listing: 50 EUR per year, VIP product listing: 100 EUR per year

Publishing of FAIR/EXHIBITION on the home page of EUgardens.EU is 100 EURO for one year ahead.

You can pay also via REVOLUT, if you have one.

Card Payment Links:

Standard company Listing for 1 year €100.00 EUR
VIP company Listing for 1 year €300.00 EUR
Product Listing for 1 year €50.00 EUR
Big banner for 1 year €800.00 EUR
Banner for 1 year €500.00 EUR
Presentation of FAIR on Home page for 1 year €100.00
Paid guest Post EUgardens EU or Gradina BG €100.00 EUR
Paid guest Post Zeleno BG €150.00 EUR


Period of time                       Small banner                               Big banner                              Small banner

.                                             150 px – 60 px                           800px – 180px                          150px – 60 px
.                                              /left down/                                  top                                           /right /

6 months                               250 EUR                                    500 EUR                                300 EUR

12 months                             400 EUR                                    800 EUR                                500 EUR

* The vertical size of the banners can be increased and the price will increase accordingly.

PR article / presented by the companies/ – one week on the home page / after that goes into the archive/ – 200 Euro. For longer periods the price is negotiable

PayPal online payment:

Listing in EUgardens.EU