Beautiful twining and climbing plants – Clematis


Beautiful twining and climbing plants – clematis

The clematis seems to be the most beautiful decorative bush, especially for its particularly beautiful, large and varied colors. Color, which often cover the whole plant. It is distinguished by thin, delicate and long-flowing stems. As well as with a beautiful foliage consisting of complex, opposite fall leaves, composed of three or more different leaflets. most noteworthy,  colors are most varied in appearance, shape, size and dignity. So they can be bell-shaped or flat in shape. They consist of about 4-5-8 petals, as well as kinky colors. In size, they reach 15-20 cm in diameter, and they range from pure white to pink, red, blue and violet. Flowering begins in May and can last until autumn.

The clematis requires deep, loose, fertile and permeable soil with a small amount of lime. If soil does not meet the above requirements, you can try, eventually with a mixture of equal parts of greenhouse, light clay and helium soil. It does not thrive on a very hot show. Preferred are semi-warm and warm places with preserved and airy exposition. The clematis suffers from strong moisture in the winter, but during the aging it needs sufficient moisture, as long as it is not excessive.

Propagated by seeds, cuttings, offsets and grafting. Most botanical species breed easily through seeds.  You have to sow them, as soon as the seed has matured, or they stratify in advance. Do the sowing outdoors or in boxes for the more sensitive species. The latter, better to  keep in a greenhouse or flower shop. Prepare the cuttings in the summer by half-ripe twigs and root them under a bell or in a greenhouse.

Thus you receive Cl. Flammula, Cl. montana and others. In young plants, you can lay the twigs, either in the flower shop or outdoors, during the spring. If the branches are already stiff, injure them in order to facilitate rooting. Separation of rooted plants occurs the following spring. Grafting is the most common practice and way of breeding. It becomes a winter with cuttings or spring and summer with half-grown cuttings. Fat roots usually serve as rootstocks for Cl. viticella and Cl. vitalba. The limbs you can cut in half. It is grafted into a simple cut or lateral touch, in the second case the cut is cut through the middle. After grafting, the plants are planted in pots filled with helical soil, the cauliflower covered with the bud. Then the pots are placed in a greenhouse where they remain until they are fully captured.

Clematis – the most beautiful decorative bush.


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