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Star Plants
25 Lewis Rd Show the map -
Mr. Pete Kruger
+1 916 952 8282+1 610 869 2426
Star Plants
Star Roses and Plants is a leading genetics company involved directly in breeding roses, perennials, edibles and woody plants. Also we introduce plants from other breeders around the world, For more information, please visit starrosesandplants com
Starยฎ Roses and Plants has been bringing great plants to the worldโs gardensยฎ since 1897.
Our long-standing relationships with breeders all over the world have allowed us to bring some of the most revolutionary plants to market. From the Peace Rose to the Knock Outยฎ Rose. And from the Blue and China Girl Hollies to Akadamaโข Hydrangea. In fact our goal is to identify, develop and introduce plants that offer unique or notable features and performance.
Many notable roses, shrubs and perennials have been introduced by Starยฎ Roses and Plants. One of the most impressive to date is The Knock Outยฎ Family of Roses. Equally impressive is a collection of modern, groundcover roses, Driftยฎ Roses, which offer a more compact, re-blooming solution to gardens of all sizes.
With more to offer than just roses, Starยฎ Roses and Plants also has breakthrough woody plants. We are constantly striving for excellence in how we evaluate, trial and bring plants to market. The Bushel and Berryยฎ series is a collection of compact, self-pollinating, berry plants for the home garden. These blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are easy to grow and easy to love! Last, but certainly not least, Bloomablesยฎ is a collection, which comprises of our best flowering roses, shrubs and perennials. They allow you to have a garden that blooms all season long.
Starยฎ Roses and Plants is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ballยฎ Horticultural.
So welcome to Star Plants.