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Soaplast Italian Driplines Manufacturer


Soaplast Italian Driplines Manufacturer

Soaplast Italian Driplines Manufacturer

Soaplast Irrigation, Soaplast has been producing since ’80s efficient, high-tech and sustainable drip system suitable for any crops, topography, soil and water quality.

We offer: Seasonal irrigation, Horticulture irrigation, Multi-seasonal irrigation, Fruit trees and tree crops irrigation, As well as: Irrigation in the greenhouse and Protected crops irrigation.

Irrigating in open fields requires an efficient and flexible solution. A localized irrigation system with close-by delivery points is ideal for growing vegetables such as onion, garlic, carrot, celery, courgette, fennel, cauliflower, broad bean, pea, or seasonal fruit such as strawberry, watermelon, melon. Our hoses with a minimum space between the dispensing points of 5 cm are exceptional even in the case of sandy soils, furthermore they reduce the phenomenon of percolation and ensure excellent yields even on large fields.

Driplines for agriculture and gardening. Soaplast flat driplines are suitable for all irrigation needs: single-season or multi-year, turbulent or self-compensating flow in the anti-draining or anti-siphon version.

Or products include: Linear Flat, Dual Drip and One Drip are polyethylene drip hoses with flat dripper, designed for agricultural and gardening irrigation.

We export irrigation solutions all over the world, Nowadays we are present in more than 30 countries.

So welcome to Soaplast Italian Driplines Manufacturer.