Netherlands Wholesale Flowers Plants etc. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Export of Plants Flowers Garden products 🚚 Online Sales πŸ›’πŸ’» Import Plants Flowers Garden products 🚚

OZ Planten


OZ Planten

OZ Planten EUgardens

OZ Planten is one of the biggest and most progressive plant exporters in the Netherlands. You will find us in the heart of the plant trade: Aalsmeer. Through close bounds with the local markets all over the world, OZ Planten is an important player in the field, with a large knowledge of the trade. Our customers are from everywhere around the globe. They vary from importing wholesaler, garden centre chains and retailers who focus on the middle and upper segment of the market. The mission of OZ Planten with our Passion for Plants is to always offer our customers a wide and deep assortment of indoor and garden plants. OZ Planten acts as the eyes and ears of their customers on the Dutch plant market.
And this is supported by the 120+ ambitious and professional employees of our company.

The account managers at OZ Planten speak the language of their customers. Also they use their expertise to provide you with the perfect tailor-made assortment year round. Personal contact is our priority in our company. In addition, we offer our customers an user-friendly webshop which they can use at their convenience: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your order will be processed by our logistical team in a modern building at optimised climate. We developed the ideal routine to process incoming and outbound merchandise. In addition, our ambitious logistical employees use their broad knowledge and passion to prepare the daily shipments. We have quality checks on both the incoming and outgoing plants. Thus we ensure that our clients receive plants that meet their specifications.

So welcome to OZ Planten B.V.