Netherlands Wholesale Flowers Plants etc. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Import Plants Flowers Garden products 🚚

Fresco Flowers B.V.


Fresco Flowers B.V.

Fresco Flowers EUgardens

Company Fresco Flowers was founded in 2005. We are a flower packing company. You will find us on the world’s best known and largest flower auction, Royal FloraHolland Aalsmeer. This unique location serves as an excellent platform for the distribution and sale of flowers to Europe. It also gives us direct access to the latest market information and trends in the international flower industry.

The roses from Kenya with conditioned flights arrive in the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and Belgium (Liege). Then our freight forwarder takes them, and immediately transports the roses to our location in Aalsmeer.

We can supply the requested roses in the desired quantities at any time. Furthermore we keep a good working relationship with the growers, logistics and sales. Thus Fresco Flowers is building a long term relationship with its chain partners. Our goal is to provide as many customers as possible in a regular and reliable way with fresh and top quality roses in proper packaging.