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Rhododendrons – Ashwood Nurseries.

We offer a small selection of rhododendrons and azaleas online. Many more are available in-store. Enquiries are welcome.

The showiest of all spring flowering plants, rhododendrons will produce a wealth of beautiful colourful blooms. The genus Rhododendron comprises various groups of which we specialise in the following:

Large-Flowered Evergreen Hybrid Rhododendrons are the drama queens of Spring and early Summer. They produce stunning displays of showy flowers in big trusses against a backdrop of bold evergreen foliage.

The small-leaved, Dwarf Rhododendron species and hybrids have smaller flowers than their showy cousins. But they are always in spectacular profusion in Spring. They are perfect subjects for the small garden, also suitable for growing in pots. Just providing you meet their cultural requirements.

Everyone should find room for at least one of the Rhododendron yakushimanum Evergreen Hybrids in their garden! These stunning hybrids are very compact in growth but have large blooms and very attractive foliage. Flowers borne in late Spring are typically a deeper colour in bud and opening to the most beautiful shades. Which shades are strongly influenced by their yakushimanum parentage. They are perfect subjects for the small garden and are suitable for growing in pots. Just, providing their cultural requirements are met.

Rhododendrons – Ashwood Nurseries.

Deciduous Hybrid Azaleas (as they are commonly known) correctly belong to the genus Rhododendron. They are attractive for their bold splashes of colour during May when they produce magnificent displays of beautiful large blooms, often scented. Also they are more graceful in habit than their evergreen cousins. With many cultivars having lovely autumn colour.

Evergreen Japanese Azaleas are correctly hybrids of Rhododendron japonica and Rhododendron nakaharae. These are generally dwarf in habit, most growing much wider than high. All are prolific in flower, producing masses of delicate, funnel shaped flowers during April and May, against a foil of evergreen foliage. They are charming subjects for a shaded small garden or woodland planting.

All rhododendrons are ericaceous plants i.e. they require acidic to neutral soils (pH7 or lower) and generally will not thrive in more alkaline conditions (i.e. high in lime, pH7.5 or higher). Being woodland plants, they require moist but well drained soil that is rich in organic matter. As well as the dappled shade and shelter of other trees and shrubs. They are also useful subjects for a sheltered North facing border.

Rhododendrons – Ashwood Nurseries.