Induced young plant “Sunny Starter”
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Induced young plant “Sunny Starter”
Sunny Starter – a product with future
Our Sunny Starter bring the Spanish sun into your production. When our compact and induced young plants arrive at your nursery, they already have experienced everything. Whether strong sunlight, rain or frost, for our strong boys no problem. On the contrary, Sunny Starter even convince in dark days with a vital growth because they already carry the light in themselves. A shortening of production time up to 6 weeks speaks for an extraordinary quality.
From now on, problems with land-use planning and cost control belong to the past. With our Sunny Starter you have the opportunity to be early in the market with extraordinary plants. At the same time you save energy costs, inhibitors and time.
In the last few years Sunny Starter was steadily further developed by a large series of tests, selected and produced, according to the latest scientific findings.
They are bee-friendly and most of the varieties are ecologically.
So, with Sunny Starter you are always up to date with your production.