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R & G Export B.V.


R & G Export B.V.

R & G Export EUgardens

R&G – Export B.V. is a wholesale business in trees and plants destined for gardens, parks and scenery.

Business localisation. We are one of the Netherlands’ most important and modern horticulture centres is the area around Boskoop. R&G – Export is in the middle of this horticulture region and consists of a spacious, modern repository, an office block and an attractive presentation garden. Thanks to the extremely favourable conditions of business location and modern equipment, our working method is highly efficient.

Business history. The exportation company R&G – Export B.V. is the result of a merger between Rosbergen & Grootendorst. Both companies have extensive experience in the tree nursery branch, thus providing our wholesale business with solid horticultural roots.

Company logistics. Our company focuses on tracing&tracking. Plants are delivered in the supply hall and provided with their unique bar codes. The plants’ categorical authenticity and its quality are verified Only professional expedition companies may transport R&G – Export products. Both the quality of the plants and the employees’ working conditions benefit from this tight organisation in the repository.

Clients and the market. During the course of 90 years, Rosbergen & Grootendorst B.V., going by the name of R&G – Export B.V. since 2002, has built its clientele in 10 European countries and even beyond these boundaries. We take pride in the good relationship we maintain with our clients.

Suppliers. The main supplier of R&G – Export B.V.’s merchandise is the Netherlands. To this effect, we visit numerous tree nurseries in anticipation of the new season. This also allows us to offer a varied range of trees and plants which can answer to the demand in the best possible way.

So R & G- Export a name to remember. A name, that stands out and unites product and personal contact.