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Rose breeder – Kordes Roses.

Rose breeder - Kordes Roses

Plant nursery Kordes Roses is one of the most renowned rose breeder for garden roses, cut roses and pot roses. In addition, our agents and general licenseesour introduce our rose varieties in over 30 countries. As a result in many parts of the world Kordesโ€™ market share is very high. You will find roses from Kordes in many private gardens, public green spaces and botanical gardens.

So, in our company in Sparrieshoop you may buy all about roses the whole year long: rose plants, perennials, cut roses and garden accessories. Starting from July the roses will flower in our rose garden, where you may find inspirations for your own garden. During the summer we also offer a large range of flowering container roses. Kordes is always worth a visit and you can reach us easily on your way to or from the North Sea, as we are situated near to highway 23. Have a look at ‘Show the map’.

Rose breeder – Kordes Roses.

The breeding and most of plant production of garden roses take place here in our main branch in Northern Germany. All types of garden roses like climbers, shrub roses, hybrid teas, patio roses, shrublets and floribunda, we breed here. Also the breeding of cut roses for greenhouses and outdoor and the creation of new pot roses, we do in Germany.
We produce every year a total of 2 5 Mio. roses in our main branch. Then we deliver them to private clients and retailers during the whole year โ€“ as bare-rooted roses or in Plant-o-fix-potsยฎ. In the summer, we sellย directly at Kordes flowering container roses to our clients.

Many awards in national and international rose competitions and – maybe even more important – very successful sales to many satisfied customers, are proving, that it was worth to go the stony way.

At our companyย Kordes Roses in Germany the first selection of cut roses takes place. Then we send the promising varieties for further evaluation in the main cultivation regions in East Africa and South America, where they have to prove themselves.ย  First selection of pot roses we do in Germany. But then they are sent to our partner in Denmark for further testing before they may call themselves โ€™Kordanaยฎ
