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HortiSmart Solutions Ltd.


HortiSmart Solutions Ltd. – Garden products and professional agriculture products

HortiSmart Solutions Protective structures
Protective structures

We are company with years of experience in building irrigation systems in agriculture, greenhouses, gardens and parks, sports and golf fiels.

We also offer: Design and construction of greenhouses, as well as equipment, spare parts and polyethylene films; Precise fertigation; Pumps and water filters; Water tanks;

And more: Agricultural nets and fabrics; ULV Sprayers; Garden lakes and fountains; Pots and containers;

HortiSmart Solutions provide systems for hail and rain protection

and Frost protection

HortiSmart Solutions Frost prevention
Frost protection

As a matter ot fact frosts become a major factor, along with hail, drought and waterlogging, for serious production losses. When these drops in temperature occur out of season, the plants are unpreparred to cope with it on the physiological level, and they suffer severe damage as a result. Spring frost can damage 100% of the crops.
There are a few basic, time-tested protecting methods: sprinklers against frost, heaters and wind machines.

The most economical and cost effective solution is the use of wind machines. In the case of severe frosts, the methods of protection can be combined.
Find out more about the effectiveness of these and more working anti-frost solutions and visit our website at www.horti-smart.com.

So welcome to HortiSmart Solutions Ltd. – Garden products and professional agriculture products.