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Clematis Baumschule W. Kruse


Clematis Baumschule W. Kruse

Clematis Baumschule

Buy clematis online at Baumschule W. Kruse. Would you like to buy a clematis for your garden? In the online shop of our specialized clematis nursery W. Kruse you will find a large selection of clematis varieties! All of our plants are hardy, lovingly raised by us and cultivated outdoors. You can therefore plant our clematis in your garden at any time of year.

Our clematis nursery. Our nursery specializes in growing clematis and climbing plants outdoors. You can order the plants online in our shop or pick them up from us. Online shipping since 1999! More about our nursery. Clematis selection and care. We can give you valuable tips on selecting and caring for clematis. Just take a look at our guides or speak to us personally. Of course we also have the right accessories for your plants!

In the website of Clematis Baumschule W. Kruse you will find:

Planting clematis correctly, The right trellis. Clematis Crystal Fountain.

Which variety is the right one? What you should know about the correct selection and care of the clematis in our buying guide, with a list of varieties.

Clematis varieties. Everything about the right location, pruning, fertilizing and caring for your clematis! You can find out how to plant your clematis correctly in the instructions in our planting and care tips. Tips for clematis care.

As a climbing plant, the clematis needs a trellis for climbing. You can find the right trellis and other tips for suitable places to plant the climbing clematis here.

From Clematis alpina to Clematis viticella and vitalba: you can buy all varieties conveniently online in our shop!

There you can see a small selection of our range and our most popular clematis.

So visit Clematis Baumschule W. Kruse online shop.